Category: Mac OS X

  • How to check IP of installed printer on Mac

    Open Terminal and run: cupsctl WebInterface=yes Open Safari and go to: http://localhost:631/printers. Here you can click on the printer name and see more specifications such as the IP address used. Open Terminal and run: cupsctl WebInterface=no (Thanks to some useful tips at

  • About Bash (bashrc/profile files, useful aliases and functions)

    The bash files /bin/bash – The bash executable /etc/profile – The systemwide initialization file, executed for login shells /etc/bash.bashrc – The systemwide per-interactive-shell startup file /etc/bash.bash.logout – The systemwide login shell cleanup file, executed when a login shell exits ~/.bash_profile – The personal initialization file, executed for login shells ~/.bashrc – The individual per-interactive-shell startup file ~/.bash_logout – The individual login shell cleanup file, executed when a […]

  • Finder shortcut for creating a new empty file

    Every now and then, for various reasons, I find myself wanting to add a new empty file to a folder. In the Windows world this is easily done through the context menu, i.e. right click→New→Text Document, but I didn’t have any neat way of doing it in Mac OS X Finder (without opening up Terminal to […]

  • Clearing cached recipient addresses in Mac OS X Mail

    In Mail, choose Window → Previous Recipients. Mark the ones of interest and press Remove From List.

  • Re-enabled backspace to go back a page in Safari 6

    When I updated Safari from version 5 to version 6 I discovered the backspace key to go back to the previous page doesn’t work any longer. I’ve always used backspace for that purpose (when not entering text into a form), so here is how it is fixed: In short: defaults write NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add […]

  • Printing multiple images per sheet in Mac OS X Lion

    I have always taken the Windows way of printing multiple images and photos (on the same sheet) for granted but when I wanted to do the same from my Mac I quickly realized I didn’t know how. So, for future reference, here it is.

  • Open Terminal in Finder

    Here’s how to add “Open in Terminal” in the context menu (right-click menu) of folders in Finder: Go to System Preferences→Keyboard→Keyboard Shortcuts→Services and enable “New Terminal at Folder” (or “New Terminal tab at Folder”). It is also possible to add a keyboard shortcut for the command, e.g. Shift-Command-T. Adding a shortcut will disable the service […]

  • Search problems in Mail (Mac OS X Lion) solved

    The other day I noticed the search function in Mac OS X Mail (Lion) wasn’t turning up email I know I had somewhere in some mailbox. This was quite irritating since I knew (roughly) the contents of the email and needed to get it but I didn’t know when I had gotten it.

  • Getting WordPress up and running on Mac OS X Lion

    This post briefly describes the steps necessary for setting up WordPress on Mac OS X Lion.